Eating Disorder & Mental Health Facility Billing

Billing Solutions for ED Facilities

You didn’t open an eating disorder treatment facility so you could spend your days buried in paperwork. 

Outsource your claims and revenue management to Billing Solutions so you can let the experts take care of the busy work while you take care of your patients.

How Can We Help?

Utilization management for ED treatment centers can become extremely difficult and frustrating. At Billing Solutions, we regularly review your patients’ utilization reports and will work with your clinicians on properly documenting your patients’ need for treatment, so they can continue to receive the affordable treatment and length of care they deserve.

Our team members come from both the financial and the clinical side of the business, so they’re fully equipped to help your treatment program maximize your patients’ benefit utilization, while also managing your claim submissions to ensure you’re receiving the reimbursements you deserve. 

In short, we’ll see you through from the start to the end of your revenue cycle, every step of the way.

Billing Solutions can help you with:

Billing   |   Claims Submissions   |   Utilization Review   |   Analytics

And More!

Start Now

To learn more about how we can take care of your billing needs — so you can focus on helping people get well — please fill out the form below.

One of our experts will be in touch shortly to learn more about your business and explain how we can provide you with smarter, faster, superior billing.

    Let's Get Started

    Billing Solutions teams up with Medusind®
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